All strollers are different. So which one is the right one?

Frau mit Buggy Bugaboo Bee 6

In our current series of "Parents' Stroller Stories" we deal with the topic of how expectant parents find the right stroller and whether the right one even exists. We benefit from the valuable knowledge of experienced parents. Today Iris tells how she managed the pram maze.

Iris, tell me, what were the obstacles you faced when buying a stroller?

I mainly asked my friends offline. They then explained to me what is good and what is bad about a pram. I have categorized each family. Family X often does this and Family Y often does that. Most important to me was the opinion of families with a similar lifestyle to ours. I didn't think much of the advice in the shop. It's often all about price and looks.

All in all, the result for me was: they should be big and suitable for all terrains. Of course, it depends very much on whether you walk over hill and dale or just go to the store. That is very individual.

In the end, which stroller won the race for you?

My stroller was a Teutonia with large non-moving wheels. This is simply more practical for off-road use. There was also the children's seat and the buggy board. We paid a total of 560 francs* second-hand. It was important to us to get the stroller directly from friends. Accordingly, I knew that he was well cared for and hygienic. With second hand, it would otherwise be a bit like a surprise pack.

So much for my pram story. That's all.

For real?

Oh no, right! I also bought a Croozer bike trailer. For 200 francs - also second hand. And sold again soon. It was just a little too wide. Exchanged it for a Thule Cap. This time new for 900 francs. This is our car replacement. We use it almost like a trunk. The children already don't really want to sit in it anymore. But they are still a bit too small to drive to daycare by themselves. That's why it's still a must. I guess I'll need the Thule for another two to three years.

Well, that's definitely it now.

You sure that's all?

Ahh! Except for the buggy. I bought one of these for 150 francs. But that was quickly shelved. That was a real bad buy. It was just too unstable.

Phuu, a lot has come together. Your conclusion?

You always have to make compromises with a stroller: Light and easy to fold often means instability. And the stroller just jerked too hard for the children.

Overall, calculated across all prams, I got off pretty cheap at 1,500 francs, I think.

Of the prams, the Teutonia is still there. In the basement. It's pretty dusty at the moment. Actually, it only serves as a walker for our little one, who is currently learning to roller skate. Actually, we want to give it away because it's pretty run down. I would feel bad about selling it. Children's seats, buggies and buggy boards are also rotting away in the basement. Honestly, the rent per square meter in the basement should be included in the cost of the prams. But I'll elegantly ignore that for now.

At best, here is a final sentence:
Iris (41), Paul and Peter's mom, would choose loopi today.

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